"The Busy Woman's Guide To Losing Weight Quickly and Easily... Even When You've Tried Every Diet, Weight Loss Pill, and Fitness Gadget Before With No Success!"

Dear Busy Woman,


This book came highly recommended to me so I purchased my own copy and certainly was not disappointed. Many helpful tips and advise that I think most women would benefit from. The author obviously thought out the layout of each chapter as it has been broken down into step by step actions that are easy to follow, understand and can then be incorporated into your own life's strategy.
B. Wilson


As a mom of 2 I felt like book was made for me - she reminds us that Moms are people too, and shows us how to take care of ourselves and our families in really practical, achievable ways. The book can be read cover to cover, or has a great index that makes it useful as a manual for living to refer back to - I definitely will be giving copies of this as gifts to new moms!!
K. Saginak


One simple and big cause of over weight....Over Eat! Weight Loss on THE GO guides you step by step on your weigh loss journey. Author explains how to manage your eating habit and psychological weakness so that you will become confident. Laura is the motivational coach to stick by your side throughout this book!
Jackie O.


Very helpful reminders that weight loss is about so much more than being skinny. My favorite example of this was the insight about self care “If you cannot love yourself, then you will eventually feel worn out, burdened, and bitter because you will feel that there is always one more need that you must fill.” So good!
Julie O.


Love how simple and easy this book is to read and put into action. I always say, write it down and make it happen! Well, the wonderful worksheets she gives you are the tools you need to this. I highly recommend it and look forward to implementing them with my current health and fitness clients.
Brianna P.


I bought it as a Mother's Day gift for some folks in my life, and have had a chance to thumb through it as I wait the few months to turn it over. The tips don't require a superwoman, this isn't about doing more, it's about easing the load of the things you already have to do. Said differently, it makes you more efficient at being you! So thankful I can share this book with folks.
Kindle Customer


Where was The Busy Woman's Guide To Losing Weight when I had a newborn?!? This book is a great reference guide for new and seasoned moms- it’s written in a tone that is relatable, not preachy, while also being encouraging, educational and funny. I’m giving this to a new mom friend for her son’s first birthday- a great resource for losing the extra baby weight while reclaiming your life. A must read-
K Saginak


Who's got time to read a book on making more time for yourself, right? But I dipped in to find a few hacks that have been transformative for me — and I'm so glad I did! If you adopt just one or two practices from the rich menu of options laid out in this book, you'll notice the difference right away, and be very, very grateful!
Dorothy A. Bertsche

Testimonials .

Great info!! Most of the stuff I already knew And do, but it was nice to hear her confirm it. I liked the step by step guide to forming new habits


As a mom of two adult boys and a teen girl, I was a little skeptical about finding much applicable to me in this book. Boy was I wrong! writing is light yet informative, fresh, and enlightening. And even though my kids are well past the toddler years, I found her advice to be relevant to me as not only a mom but also a woman trying my best to make my own health (physical and mental) a priority. So many of her hacks make perfect sense—I wonder why I haven't heard them before. The book is in an easy-to-digest format and perfect for reading in those small, downtime moments at the carpool line or kids' practices.
Jessica M Nelson


I checked this book out of the library bc it caught my eye. I just ordered my own copy from bc I like it so much. Something about the writing style makes all these little things that I KNOW I need to work on (but maybe put off bc of perfectionist tendencies), seem like such smaller, DOABLE steps. I think this would be a fun book to work on one thing at a time like a weekly challenge to make it part of your every day life.
Monet Marsha


This book teaches simple to understand principles of how to create a healthy lifestyle that can be maintained throughout your life. I'm a believer in the principles this book teaches and have lost 25 pounds using them in my own life. Go ahead and change your life today, I dare you!
Melissa D.


As a mom, I get through life by asking for advice from my mom friends - whether it’s the best way to sneak in veggies or a good way to sneak in some quality sleep time. The book is full of all that advice and more, from who is a mom that lives in a realistic world!!!!!
Maree White


Great book! Picked up to skim but couldn’t put it down. Love how the author suggested you go to the sections or hacks that were most relevant first. That was really helpful and made the suggestions digestible and relevant. Learned a bunch of new ideas (like not taking receipts given the germs! And different meal ideas) and great techniques for doing things I already knew were good for me, but are hard to make happen. Really excited to take action after reading this book.
Thaiyeba Jalil

If you want to discover how a busy woman like me lost all my excess weight... and... keeps it off, then you've found the right webpage.

Here's the story…

I Was So Busy -- I Gained 20 Pounds…

I was just so busy I made all the WRONG choices...

I stopped going to the gym...

I kept skipping meals... or even worse, instead of eating good food I was living on a "supersize me" diet of fast food...

I was sitting at a desk all day at work...

And when I got home I was too tired from my busy lifestyle to cook a nutritious meal for the family -- so we'd order pizza...

And plop on the couch for hours before crawling off to bed.

The Day I Decided To Change

It was the beginning of summer and I was looking forward to taking a vacation with my family... and getting away from work for a change.

But then I realized I wasn't going to be the only one to see my body anymore!

I guess just knowing I was overweight wasn't that bad...

And of course my husband (bless his heart) still told me he loved me and I looked pretty. I think he was too scared to tell me I looked fat.

But it was the realization that I was going to be seen in my bikini... on the beach... playing with my children that finally got to me.

I didn't want to be "That" mom... the one that you could tell had let herself go.

That day I decided to change, and change I did!

It has been a year now and...

I lost all the weight and kept it off!

I discovered what worked for me and what didn't.

If you're like me you've probably spent your entire life on and off diets... trying new eating fads... exercising for a week or two then losing motivation and quitting...

But I finally figured out what worked for me... and after sharing a few of these secrets with my girlfriends... what will work for you to.

You CAN lose weight and tone up...

Turns out losing the weight isn’t complicated once you know a few basic principles.

And it's those "principles" that I shared with my girlfriends.

They started losing weight and loved the fact that they didn't have to be a slave to the gym... follow any crazy diets... or take any dangerous pills.

In fact, you really don't have to ADD a lot of things to your current busy routine -- you just have to do a few things differently.

That's the big secret.

In fact, what I discovered is there are only a few key principles and basic strategies that can make you TEN TIMES more likely to lose the weight you want…

Here's the problem...

There's No Simple Guide

I searched an searched for a good simple guide to dropping those extra pounds.

You know, a booklet that was low on fluff and just tells me what I need to know about getting back into shape.

I don't want to know all the scientific details, or read a university-level course on body composition or physiology, etc.

I just wanted to know...what are the basic tips that fitness pros (and people who never seemed to get fat) know that would make it easier to drop my extra weight—FAST?

Just teach me those tips, was what I was thinking.

I couldn't find such a booklet.

So I compiled all my research, and had one created!

All My Secrets To Losing Weight
-- No Matter How Busy You Are!

This is the guide I was looking for but couldn't find. It's called Weight Loss For The Busy Woman.

And here's just some of what's inside...

• The number one rule you must follow if you want to lose weight… and… keep it off for good (page 5)

• The single biggest secret that people who successfully lose weight and stay at their ideal weight know (if you don’t weigh your “dream weight” it’s a sure bet you don’t know it!) (page 9)

• 5 things you MUST know about your lifestyle that keep 99% of people from losing weight (probably without you even noticing it)… and… exactly what you can do about them (page 10)

• A secret almost nobody knows about how to eat “sweet” foods without consuming more sugar (if you have a sweet tooth you’ll absolutely LOVE this tip!) (page 12-13)

• A little known secret about goal setting which makes it almost automatic to reach your weight loss goals (page 19)

• My 5 golden rules for successful weight loss – If you follow these you’ll find losing your excess weight will be almost as easy as it was to gain it! (pages 27-35)

• Five ways to fool your stomach and your eyes into thinking you’re eating more than you are – so your weight loss becomes effortless and automatic (pages 40-44)

• My most closely guarded secrets for how to fight food cravings (including what foods to eat that will actually help fight those cravings for you!) (pages 45-50)

• 15 of my quick, easy, healthy and delicious recipe and meal ideas. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and tasty snacks – they’re all here! (pages 51-69)

• Exactly what to do when you hit the inevitable “plateau” – when you seem to stop losing weight – this will make sure you continuously lose the pounds until you reach your ideal weight! (pages 70-71)

• My top 4 ways to exercise to lose weight, tone your buns, hips, and thighs WITHOUT having to join a gym! (pages 73-79)

• A quick-start to-do list so you don’t get overwhelmed with information -- you’ll know just how to get started losing weight – Today! (pages 79-80)

This just scratches the surface of what's in the book.

I give you everything you need to drop those extra pounds and inches... FAST!

I'm sure that right about now, you're wondering...

How Much Does The Book Cost?

The real question is ask is: how much is it worth to finally know all the stuff about losing weight you've always wanted to know?

I suppose you could do what most people do -- just "make it up as you go", and use the "trial and error" method.

But why not take advantage of the experience and knowledge I've put into this simple book?

And I boil it all down for you in very simple, easy to understand terms. Less than 100 pages -- no fluff, all information you can put to work right now.

Order your copy of the book for just $37.

I'll send you not only the book itself, but also the audio book (which you can listen to on your iPod or other MP3 player, or on your computer...

...or even burn it to CD). And if it doesn't work - I'll send you back your money.

doesn't $37 seem reasonable?

And just in case you missed what I was saying, let me be clear...

You Get The Book PLUS The Audio Book!

When you order your copy of Weight Loss For The Busy Woman today, you get the book in two different formats:

  1. Downloadable eBook. You can be reading Weight Loss For The Busy Woman in as little as 2 minutes from right now (even if it's 2am on a Sunday!). My automated system will deliver your copy as a downloadable PDF file (which can be read on any computer). You can read the book on your computer, or you can print it out if you like.
    Download your copy.
  2. Downloadable Audio book. I'll also deliver you the Audio book version in MP3 format. You can listen to it on your iPod or other MP3 device, burn it to a CD, or just listen to it right on your computer. The choice is yours! Download your copy.

Try The Book Risk-Free For 8 Full Weeks!

There's no need to make up your mind right now.

Get your copy of the book.

Read it.

Start enjoying the health benefits of losing weight and getting back in shape...

See if it works for you -- if it gets you started at losing those extra inches (it will).

I don't want you to take any risk at all in ordering this book. So here's what I'm willing to do: you get the book and audio, and put me to the test for EIGHT WEEKS.

If at the end of the 8 weeks you don't feel amazed, dazzled, and delighted with the extra weight you're losing..

Simply ask for a refund.

I'll give you 100% of your money back. No hassle. No questions.

"Rock-Solid 8-Week Unconditional Guarantee"

My personal promise to you:

If Weight Loss For The Busy Woman doesn't work for you, I don't want to keep your money.

Get your copy of the book right now.

If it doesn't fulfill your every expectation, help you lose that exra weight FAST..

If you're not 100% thrilled and delighted with the results... 

Just ask for a refund and I'll send you every penny of your money back. 

It's that simple, and the risk is 100% on my part... not yours.

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Get These offer

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Don't forget - you have up to 2 whole months to decide ... 

But even if you decide to return it... you keep all of the bonus gifts.

For that matter, you get to keep everything (how could I make you "un-download" your book and audio book, even if I wanted to?).

If you were less than honest, you could download you book and easily rip me off. 

But I'm placing my faith in you, I trust you won't do such a thing!

"Order Your Own Personal Copy Of Weight Loss For The Busy Woman Right Now"

"PRIORITY" VIP Download Form

YES! I want to finally learn how to drop my extra pounds--FAST.. please give me INSTANT ACCESS to my downloadable copy of Weight Loss For The Busy Woman right now...

I understand my order will be processed on a totally secure server, and once it is processed, I will be able to immediately download my eBook (electronic book)... even if it's 2am on a Sunday.
I understand that I have 56 days (8 weeks) to test each and every bit of information in your book and if I am not 100% thrilled with Weight Loss For The Busy Woman, I can get a full refund.
I understand I also get the audio book version, which means I can listen to a professional recording of the entire book, any time I want, as many times as I want. The recording can be played on my computer, on my iPod, burned to a CD -- any way I want to use it!

The instant my order is approved, I'll download my copy of the book.

What are you waiting for? You have nothing to lose...

...and a satisfying new, healthy life (without that extra weight) to enjoy!

Do it now.


Laura S.



Now's your chance to finally discover how to lose that weight-- FAST. This one is a no-brainer thanks to your 8-week guarantee. Do it now...